Hello, Welcome to WPEra. I am getting requests from the bloggers regarding Hosting, themes and plugins which I am using on WPEra. So I decided to showcase them on a single page. In this section you will find out the tools which I am using for WPEra.
Web Hosting
WPEra is hosted on DigitalOcean Cloud hosting. DigitalOcean is one of the best unmanaged VPS hosting provider in the industry. They have multiple data centers across the world. The have different pricing plans tailored to serve all needs and you can upgrade or down grade sever instantly. Click this link to get 10$ signup credit. And for Managing DigitalOcean Server I am using ServerAvatar.
Cloudflare CDN
Cloudflare is Content Delivery network. Basically a Content Delivery Network stores the cached version of website in different geographical locations and serve the files from nearest location of the client. This will make site load faster.
WordPress Theme
For WPEra I am using Custom Child Theme which build on Genesis Framework. Genesis framework is one of the best SEO framework. We can build child themes easily on Genesis framework. I highly recommend using genesis framework on your blog.
WordPress Plugins
These are the plugins which i have installed on WPEra.
Thrive Architect
Thrive Architect is developed by Thrive Themes. This is the fastest front end visual Editor for the WordPress. By using Thrive Architect we can build landing pages easily. Thrive Architect comes with 267 pre-built landing page templates, Conversion Focused elements, Responsive Layouts, Font customizations, Hewer effects Etc.
Crayon Syntax Highlighter
It is a free plugin which is available on the WordPress repository. This plugin helps in making code into easily readable format. Crayon Syntax Highlighter plugin support various features like Line wrapping, Code expanding, integrated theme editor, toggle toolbars, Stripped lines etc. If you are running coding related WordPress blog, try this plugin.
Remove Category URL
This is also a free plugin which helps in removing “/category” from category pages.
Simple Cache
As the name suggest, it is simple caching plugin which makes your site load faster. This plugin contains just one On / Off switch to enable or disable caching. This plugin will handling huge traffic.
Ultimate Social Deux
Ultimate Social Deux is an awesome Social Sharing Plugin. This plugin comes various customization options, user friendly interface, different placement options etc.